Support for food production
A struggle to continue
In recent years, lower than expected rainfall in Mali has created a food crisis. In collaboration with two local organizations, the Association Malienne pour la Protection des Jeunes (AMPJ) and CERFADEL, our project aims to improve food security in several villages, increase their revenues and fight against inequalities.
Partners: Association Malienne pour la Protection des Jeunes (AMPJ) and CERFADEL
Country: Mali (Zantiébougou and Markala)
Since 2005, Mission inclusion has supported the AMPJ as part of a development program targeting the rural municipality of Zantiébougou, where women and youth are severely affected by poverty.
The project supports the transformation of 25 village associations into cooperatives and a union. This will make it easier to monitor village development funds and will promote entrepreneurship in the municipality of Zantiébougou.
Mission inclusion has supported CERFADEL since its creation in 2009. The project to support family farms in the rural town of Markala is perfectly in line with the vision of the Malian government, which planned to make Mali self-sufficient prior to the crisis.
Spread over three years, the project aims to mobilize local savings and support farming households in nine villages in order to improve their food security, increase their income, and combat poverty and inequality. It also includes support for the use of improved seeds, training in agricultural production techniques, training in product management and marketing, and capacity building for officials.

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