In action for human dignity

The sustainable development initiatives supported by Mission inclusion in Québec and around the world have helped more than 29 million people to date. Our projects fall under six fields of action, but all have the same objective: the social inclusion of vulnerable people.

Dessin d'une main rouge avec un coeur jaune au centre.

Humanitarian action

Mission inclusion equips local partners to develop autonomy and the capacity to face future crises.

Dessin de quatre personnes côte à côte.

Children and families

Mission inclusion is involved with projects that protect children and support their education.

Conception de symbole de femme.

Women’s rights

Mission inclusion works with its partners to ensure the protection, emancipation, and economic and social integration of women.

Dessin d'une maison.


Mission inclusion supports organizations that work with homeless people to improve their living conditions and promote social reintegration.

Dessin d'une personne avec une canne.

Well-being of seniors

Organizations supported by Mission inclusion ensure the well-being, rights and social inclusion of seniors.

Dessin d'une assiette avec des ustensiles sur le côté de l'assiette.

Food security

Mission inclusion initiatives promote healthy lifestyles and food security through self sufficiency.

Organizational support

Every year, some ten organizations in Québec benefit from the organizational support offered by Mission inclusion.

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Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
© 2019-2022 The Léger Foundation. All rights reserved.
Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001