The Environmental and
Climate Justice Fund
The Environmental and Climate Justice Fund
First call for
environmental projects
Mission inclusion supports local and community-based interventions that empower individuals and mobilize communities. Mission inclusion is launching its first call for projects to support a year-long environmental initiative thanks to the financial support of a founding donor. This cross-cutting initiative will enrich a program focused on inclusion and social transformation, run by community organizations working with marginalized or vulnerable populations.
The causes and effects of climate change disproportionately affect these populations. This fund aims to support adaptation solutions to reduce the impacts of climate disruption.
Under this first call for projects, $55,000 for one year, with the possibility of renewal, will be awarded to a Montreal-based initiative led by a community organization that takes action to strengthen historically marginalized communities or people in vulnerable situations to reduce one or more of the effects of climate disruption.

In addition, particular attention will be given to the following initiatives:
• Are marked by a feminist and/or environmentalist and/or inclusive and/or decolonial approach, aiming for greater social justice.
• Involve several sectors.
• Are carried out in partnership and collaboration with different stakeholders.
• Involve populations experiencing several types of oppression at the same time.
The actions selected should focus on adaptive solutions. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the types of actions that could be supported:

Encouraging climate-friendly
farming practices through educational workshops, training, or the creation of community gardens.
Setting up resilient community infrastructures
e.g., adapting to heat/cold, etc.
Promoting food self-sufficiency
by building capacity to cope with the effects of climate disruption.
Implement educational programs
to raise community awareness of climate change issues and encourage sustainable behaviour.
Any other actions in this area.
Eligibility criteria
The first call concluded in April 2024. The dates of the next call for projects will be identified in early 2025

Who is eligible?
• Legally incorporated non-profit community, social economy organization, or non-legally embodied social movement or citizens’ group;
• Sensitivity for organizations with an annual budget presenting revenues of less than 5 million, as indicated in the financial statements;
• It is possible to finance a new initiative under development or an ongoing project;
• The project supported is located in the Montreal Island.

What we do not support
• Religious or sectarian organizations;
• Partisan political organizations;
• Mission financing;
• Food and equipment distribution or emergency projects;
• Construction or renovation of a building or community space;
• Financing the organization’s balance sheet deficit;
• General fundraising campaign.

Submitting your project
You can submit your project in various formats: a cover letter, an explanatory video, or any other visual medium you choose. You can attach the financial statements of the organization submitting the project.

We want to understand the project broadly, get information about your organization, and get an idea of the desired results, the amount requested and the project duration. Overall, we want to understand what the funding would be used for, what adaptation solutions you are proposing, and what effects you expect to have.
We don’t want a long, bureaucratic process. We listen to you to learn about your project or initiative and to understand what you mean and how you want to run your project. The floor is yours!
You can attach the financial statements of the organization submitting the project.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re always available to answer questions and open up a dialogue.
Submitting your project
You can submit your project in various formats: a cover letter, an explanatory video, or any other visual medium you choose. You can attach the financial statements of the organization submitting the project.
We want to understand the project broadly, get information about your organization, and get an idea of the desired results, the amount requested and the project duration. Overall, we want to understand what the funding would be used for, what adaptation solutions you are proposing, and what effects you expect to have.
We don’t want a long, bureaucratic process. We listen to you to learn about your project or initiative and to understand what you mean and how you want to run your project. The floor is yours!
You can attach the financial statements of the organization submitting the project.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re always available to answer questions and open up a dialogue.
For any questions or to submit your project
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Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
© 2019-2025 The Léger Foundation. All rights reserved.
Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001