Women of the world

Support women and their families around the world, like those in Burkina Faso, to enable them to access education, health and financial independence.

Homelessness in Québec

Since 1992, Mission inclusion has supported a wide range of initiatives aimed at improving the living conditions of people experiencing homelessness in Quebec.

JOC Fund

The Mission inclusion JOC Fund, a generous bequest from the Fondation de la Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne (JOC), works for social justice, human dignity and solidarity.

Feed a Child

For 23 years, Feed a Child has ensured the food security of children and families in Quebec while participating in their intellectual, social and emotional development.

Annual Forecast

Discover our flagship projects in Quebec and around the world to improve the life course of the elderly, young people and families in difficulty.

Activity Report 2023

2023: an outstanding year. Adaptation, mobilization, innovation are the key words of our actions in 2023. Together, we have continued to work for a more just and dignified society. Discover the report on our actions in 2023.

ReSea Fund

A commitment to biodiversity conservation and thriving communities. Join us in the adventure of the Mission Inclusion ReSea Fund for a sustainable and healthy future for all generations.

Women of the world

Support women and their families around the world, like those in Burkina Faso, to enable them to access education, health and financial independence.

Homelessness in Québec

Since 1992, Mission inclusion has supported a wide range of initiatives aimed at improving the living conditions of people experiencing homelessness in Quebec.

JOC Fund

The Mission inclusion JOC Fund, a generous bequest from the Fondation de la Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne (JOC), works for social justice, human dignity and solidarity.

Feed a Child

For 23 years, Feed a Child has ensured the food security of children and families in Quebec while participating in their intellectual, social and emotional development.

Annual Forecast

Discover our flagship projects in Quebec and around the world to improve the life course of the elderly, young people and families in difficulty.

Activity Report 2023

2023: an outstanding year. Adaptation, mobilization, innovation are the key words of our actions in 2023. Together, we have continued to work for a more just and dignified society. Discover the report on our actions in 2023.

ReSea Fund

A commitment to biodiversity conservation and thriving communities. Join us in the adventure of the Mission Inclusion ReSea Fund for a sustainable and healthy future for all generations.

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Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
© 2019-2022 The Léger Foundation. All rights reserved.
Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001