As we embark on another year,
Mission inclusion continues to pursue
its mission with the same determination
and compassion.


As we embark on another year, Mission inclusion continues to pursue its mission with the same determination and compassion.

By working with youth, families, seniors and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, Mission inclusion helps meet vital needs while laying a solid foundation for lasting change.

By working with youth, families, seniors and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, Mission inclusion helps meet vital needs while laying a solid foundation for lasting change.

A stronger commitment in Quebec

Mission inclusion is increasing its impact in Quebec by supporting 20 projects, including 10 new initiatives, in collaboration with dedicated community organizations.

A dynamic international presence

In 2025, the projects we support will impact more than 71,000 people in 11 countries. Our vision of international cooperation is based on inclusive, feminist, ecological, decolonial and anti-racist values.

Un homme découpe un poisson au Centre régional de rétablissement Isuarsivik.

Supporting families to support
intergenerational healing

The Isuarsivik Regional Recovery Centre, the only facility of its kind in Quebec, combines modern therapies with Inuit cultural traditions
within a family-centred approach.
Femmes vendant du poisson sur un marché populaire au Bénin.

Balancing decision-making power between
men and women

Mission inclusion has launched Le Fonds ACTION to support civil society and advocacy organizations that embrace inclusive governance and promote active participation by marginalized communities.
Un couple de personnes âgées danse et sourit ensemble.

Breaking the isolation of immigrant seniors

The Aînées de la diversité project at the Carrefour d’action interculturelle is designed for extraordinary women who, despite age, isolation and obstacles, are trying to find their place in a new community.
Deux femmes Au Tchad souriantes tenant des bols sur la tête.

Action against climate change

In response to environmental challenges,
Mission inclusion is dedicating itself to strengthening the resilience of communities
to climate change.

Check out our flyer and discover other innovative and inspiring projects.

Un homme découpe un poisson au Centre régional de rétablissement Isuarsivik.

Supporting families to support
intergenerational healing

The Isuarsivik Regional Recovery Centre, the only facility of its kind in Quebec, combines modern therapies with Inuit cultural traditions
within a family-centred approach.
Femmes vendant du poisson sur un marché populaire au Bénin.

Balancing decision-making power between
men and women

Mission inclusion has launched Le Fonds ACTION to support civil society and advocacy organizations that embrace inclusive governance and promote active participation by marginalized communities.
Un couple de personnes âgées danse et sourit ensemble.

Breaking the isolation of immigrant seniors

The Aînées de la diversité project at the Carrefour d’action interculturelle is designed for extraordinary women who, despite age, isolation and obstacles such as language and discrimination, are trying to find their place in a new community.
Deux femmes Au Tchad souriantes tenant des bols sur la tête.

Action against climate change

In response to environmental challenges,
Mission inclusion is dedicating itself to strengthening the resilience of communities
to climate change.

Check out our flyer and discover other innovative and inspiring projects.


Thanks to your support, our impact projects have become a reality!

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Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation

© 2019-2025 The Léger Foundation. All rights reserved.

Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001