Donating Securities

An easy way to give

Donating securities is one of the simplest ways to give. It’s also a smart way to avoid generating a capital gain on stocks or other securities that have risen in value.

An easy way to give

Donating securities is one of the simplest ways to give. It’s also a smart way to avoid generating a capital gain on stocks or other securities that have risen in value.


  Tax-free: When you sell appreciated shares, you generate a capital gain that is taxed at 50%. When you donate them to Mission inclusion, the capital gain is not taxable.

  Simplicity: Your broker transfers the publicly traded securities to Mission inclusion’s account at the time of your choosing.

  Tax receipt: You receive a tax receipt for 100% of the market value of the shares at the time of transfer.

More information

Sophie Blouin

Donor Relations Officer

514 495-2409


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Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
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Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001