On November 15th, Mission inclusion celebrates National Philanthropy Day with gratitude. This is an occasion to warmly thank all those who support us as donors, volunteers or partners for their unwavering support.

75 Years of Impact in the World

Since its founding in 1948, Mission inclusion, formerly known as OEUVRE LEGER, has touched over 30 million lives and mobilized over $320 million. These outstanding achievements have been made possible thanks to our community’s passionate and generous commitment!

Isabelle Morin Highlighted in La Presse

Isabelle Morin, Senior Director of Philanthropic Development and Communications at Mission inclusion, is featured in an interview with La Presse in the special report on philanthropy. She shared her expertise on posthumous philanthropy, an increasingly relevant topic in our society. Read the interview here.

Participation in the Institut Mallet Summit

Mission inclusion is at the Institut Mallet Summit on November 14th-15th: “Ensemble pour un nouvel élan” (Together for a New Momentum, in English). Isabelle Morin, Senior Director of Philanthropic Development and Communications, Anne Loranger-King, Director of Programs in Quebec, and Sebastián Vielmas, Senior Advisor of Communications and Media, will be there to exchange ideas and learn about key themes of philanthropy.

Join the Movement!

Every donation, every volunteer hour and every partnership contributes significantly to our mission. These actions support efforts both in Quebec and internationally to strengthen solidarity.

Thus, Mission inclusion invites everyone to join its movement to make a difference. Donating, volunteering or establishing a partnership: every action counts.

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