A commitment to biodiversity conservation
and thriving communities

A commitment to biodiversity conservation and thriving communities

Our aim:
to regenerate seascapes for people, climate and nature
Preserving the oceans is crucial to the balance of our planet by protecting marine ecosystems and supporting coastal communities. Join us in the adventure of the Mission inclusion ReSea project for a sustainable and healthy future for all generations.
The ReSea project stretches along the west coast of the Indian Ocean, from Kenya to Mozambique, via the Comoros and Madagascar. With ReSea, Mission inclusion aims to improve the lives of communities that depend on marine resources, including women, young people, men, vulnerable people and civil society.

Get involved today to preserve
our oceans and create a
better future for everyone!

Get involved today to preserve nos océans our oceans and create a better future for everyone!

In a drop or two
Three pillars of development

Blue Planet
Improve biodiversity conservation

Blue Nature
Implement sustainable and effective management of marine protected areas through nature-based solutions

Blue people
Promote women’s economic empowerment in the blue economy sector and the sustainable development of marine and coastal resources
March 2023 to March 2026
2 million
people helped
– Women;
– Young women;
– Men;
– Young men;
– Vulnerable and marginalized people;
– Civil society.
5 countries
Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania

Take part in our activities
Learn, get involved, express yourself
Get to the heart of ReSea through exciting events designed to raise awareness of the fundamental issues at stake in our project and foster rewarding exchanges with individuals involved in exciting fields.
Our range of activities includes lunchtime lectures, networking sessions, a captivating interactive documentary, and various initiatives in libraries across the Greater Montreal area. These opportunities offer you a chance to learn, share and contribute, with everyone playing their part for the common good.

ReSea Ambassadors’ Club
Act now for a sustainable future
Become an active member of the philanthropic circle and help shape the positive, immediate, and lasting changes proposed by ReSea.
By giving your financial support to the ReSea project, you will catalyze concrete and lasting changes for biodiversity within the coastal communities targeted by our initiative. Each contribution, each gesture made, has an immediate and lasting effect, propelling the project towards favourable horizons.

ReSea Ambassadors’ Club
Act now for a sustainable future
Become an active member of the philanthropic circle and help shape the positive, immediate, and lasting changes proposed by ReSea.
By giving your financial support to the ReSea project, you will catalyze concrete and lasting changes for biodiversity within the coastal communities targeted by our initiative. Each contribution, each gesture made, has an immediate and lasting effect, propelling the project towards favourable horizons.
A solid partnership

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Subscribe to our monthly newsletter
Mission inclusion is a trademark of the
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation
© 2019-2025 The Léger Foundation. All rights reserved.
Charity number : 118923689 RR 0001