We are delighted to share with you the latest developments in the ReSea project, which demonstrate the positive impact of our commitment to protecting marine ecosystems and supporting coastal communities.

Local actions that make a difference

In Kenya, our team recently supported the creation of a seascape governance working group in Kilifi County. This group, 50% of which is made up of non-state actors, 40% of whom are women, is playing a crucial role in consolidating efforts to conserve and manage natural resources.

In Madagascar, we have launched awareness campaigns on human rights, gender-based violence and gender equality in the Diana region. These initiatives, backed up by local radio broadcasts, are helping to empower women in coastal communities.

Local actions that make a difference

In Kenya, our team recently supported the creation of a seascape governance working group in Kilifi County. This group, 50% of which is made up of non-state actors, 40% of whom are women, is playing a crucial role in consolidating efforts to conserve and manage natural resources.

In Madagascar, we have launched awareness campaigns on human rights, gender-based violence and gender equality in the Diana region. These initiatives, backed up by local radio broadcasts, are helping to empower women in coastal communities.

Innovations for an inclusive blue economy

A recent study carried out by TechnoServe in our areas of intervention in Tanzania and Madagascar has identified promising opportunities in the blue economy. The study focuses on nature-based value chains that can help communities adapt to climate change while preserving marine biodiversity. 

Innovations for an inclusive blue economy

A recent study carried out by TechnoServe in our areas of intervention in Tanzania and Madagascar has identified promising opportunities in the blue economy. The study focuses on nature-based value chains that can help communities adapt to climate change while preserving marine biodiversity.


Celebrating our oceans, mobilizing our communities

World Oceans Day was the occasion for inspiring gatherings in several of the countries where we operate. In Mozambique, for example, we organised an event in the province of Inhambane, bringing together the provincial government, community fishing committees and the private sector to protect marine resources. 

An enriching dialogue for the future

The recent African Oceans Forum in Nairobi consolidated African priorities for ocean conservation. Our active participation in this event reinforces our commitment to a collaborative approach to marine and coastal conservation across the continent.


Celebrating our oceans, mobilizing our communities

World Oceans Day was the occasion for inspiring gatherings in several of the countries where we operate. In Mozambique, for example, we organised an event in the province of Inhambane, bringing together the provincial government, community fishing committees and the private sector to protect marine resources.





An enriching dialogue for the future

The recent African Oceans Forum in Nairobi consolidated African priorities for ocean conservation. Our active participation in this event reinforces our commitment to a collaborative approach to marine and coastal conservation across the continent.

These achievements are just a few of the many actions undertaken as part of the ReSea project.

To find out more about our activities and their impact, please consult our latest newsletter, available here.

These achievements are just a few of the many actions undertaken as part of the ReSea project.

To find out more about our activities and their impact, please consult our latest newsletter, available here.

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