Mission inclusion is continuously committed to supporting local initiatives that transform lives and strengthen our communities. Discover the new projects we’re supporting this year and how these community organizations are creating a positive social impact across Quebec.

Support for Seniors: Breaking Isolation and Celebrating Diversity
Social isolation among seniors is a complex challenge. Here’s how our partners are responding with creativity and commitment:
Community Animation in Minganie
Organization : Centre d’actions bénévoles de la Minganie
This project energizes seniors’ social lives, creating opportunities for heartwarming encounters and exchanges.
Diverse Seniors in Quebec City
Organization : Carrefour d’Action Interculturelle (CAI)
CAI highlights the cultural richness of our seniors from diverse backgrounds, fostering intercultural dialogue and breaking isolation.
Creative Coffee Chats
Organization : Ruche d’art Kokomino
These gatherings offer a warm space where seniors from the Atikamekw community of Wemotaci express themselves through art, weaving connections while letting their creativity flow.

Support for People Experiencing Homelessness: Innovative and Caring Approaches
Facing the complex challenges of homelessness, our partners are developing creative and humane solutions to fight this severe housing crisis and attempt to restore hope.
Boost for Autonomy in Laval
Organization : ACEF de l’Île-Jésus
ACEF helps people in precarious situations regain control of their financial lives, a crucial step towards stability.
Voluntary Trust in the Upper Laurentians
Organization : CDC des Hautes-Laurentides
This initiative offers essential support for financial management and helps vulnerable individuals regain their autonomy.
REPAIRES for Youth in the Lower St. Lawrence
Organization : Tandem-Jeunesse
This project creates safe spaces where young people can thrive, develop their skills, and forge meaningful connections.
TAPAJ: Springboard to Employment
Organization : Toxic-Actions
This program offers struggling youth a unique opportunity to gradually enter the workforce through personalized support.

Environment and Climate Justice: Cultivating Change
In response to environmental challenges, we support an initiative that combines ecology and social inclusion.
Resilient Gardens in the Heart of Montreal
Organization : Regroupement Comm-un
In Milton-Park, this urban agriculture project connects people experiencing homelessness and those from Indigenous nations, while revitalizing community space and contributing to the neighbourhood’s biodiversity.

Social Transformation: Uniting Our Forces for Lasting Impact
These projects aim to catalyze profound and lasting changes in our communities by mobilizing various actors for collective solutions.
Annual Symposium on Intercultural Care in Perinatal Context
Organization : Service de référence en périnatalité pour les femmes immigrantes de Québec
This project aims to organize an annual symposium bringing together actors from the Quebec City health network to share best practices in intercultural care in perinatal contexts. The initiative promotes understanding of the specific needs of immigrant women.
VIA Consultation in Quebec City
Organization : Engrenage Saint-Roch
This initiative mobilizes local actors to collectively respond to the social challenges of seniors, particularly those with disabilities in the Saint-Roch neighbourhood.
DECIDACTION for Indigenous Self-Determination
Organization : Fondation Nouveaux Sentiers
This project strengthens the capacity for action of young people from Indigenous communities, promoting their self-determination and cultural flourishing.
Combating Intimate Partner Violence in Montreal North
Organization : Centre des Femmes interculturels Claire (CFIC)
This ambitious project develops a concerted and intersectoral response to intimate partner violence, strengthening the entire community and allowing for the systematization of good practices.
Inclusive Financial Education
Organization : Finautonome
This financial education program is specifically designed for people with disabilities, thus promoting economic inclusion and access to rights.