The OLASS-Inclusivo project has just been launched in Bolivia! This initiative was developed by the Fundación Centro de Cultura Popular (FCCP) in collaboration with Mission inclusion, with the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (MRIF) as part of the Nouveau Québec sans frontières (NQSF) program. The project will run from April 2023 to March 2024 and will have a significant impact on the lives of women and communities in La Paz.
The hybrid launch event was marked by the participation of women leaders and national and international authorities committed to promoting health and gender equality.
The goal of this project is to improve the accessibility of gender-sensitive health services for communities around La Paz, particularly for women. The project will focus on strengthening the capacities of women leaders and representatives, raising awareness among health center staff, and educating members of women’s centers and the targeted communities.
Health Services Tailored to Each Individual
The OLASS-Inclusivo project takes into account physiological needs, diverse experiences when seeking healthcare, and obstacles related to gender stereotypes, cultural norms, and economic barriers to provide healthcare tailored to each person, regardless of their gender.

Québec: Women as Change-makers
During the launch event, from Québec, Patrice Bachand, Director of Francophonie and International Solidarity at Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec, and Geneviève Morency, Senior Director of International Programming at Mission inclusion, highlighted the importance of gender equality and the role of women as change-makers in society. They also emphasized the need to amplify women’s voices, ensure fair and equitable representation, and guarantee truly adapted healthcare for their specific needs.

Committed Local Partners
The health network coordinator, the peripheral sub-mayor (deputy mayor) of District 3, and the president of COSOMUSA (Municipal Social Health Council) of La Paz, as well as the head of Canadian cooperation at the Embassy, also participated in the in-person launch event in La Paz to demonstrate their commitment to this project.

Learning Best Practices for Successful International Cooperation
At Mission inclusion, we are pleased to be part of this initiative and contribute to a more inclusive world for everyone. We believe that we can always develop and improve our practices, and we believe that this project, in collaboration with local partners and local authorities, will allow us to continue improving our practices regarding women’s civic participation in the health sector.
Indeed, we are convinced that international solidarity is a process of mutual exchange, knowledge, and enriching experiences. We would also like to reiterate our gratitude for the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (MRIF) within the framework of the Nouveau Québec sans frontières (NQSF) program, which contributes to the realization of this project and strengthens our commitment to a more inclusive world.
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