Beyond Preconceptions About Philanthropy
As a child, whenever philanthropy was mentioned, the image that came to mind was that of a white man in his fifties, wearing a tie, displaying a slight smile in a half-profile photograph. This photo was typically accompanied by a thank-you message on the first page of a glossy magazine. I believed then that the act of these philanthropists—giving money—automatically improved the lives of beneficiaries.
Beyond Preconceptions About Philanthropy
Deconstructing Philanthropy Myths

Foundations in Canada: An Unfamiliar Reality
Deconstructing Philanthropy Myths

Foundations in Canada: An Unfamiliar Reality
“10 people is quite a team,” one might say. Indeed, it depends on the work to be undertaken: if one believes the work consists solely of transferring money from one place to another and then communicating about it, that might work, but the reality is that to be an agent of change, one must mobilize professionals from various sectors.
Let’s Look More Closely at
Everything We Do Daily:

The Philanthropic Development Team Takes on
Several Essential Responsibilities:

The Finance Team Plays a Crucial Role in:

The Programme Teams are at the Heart of Our Mission:

The Communications Team Ensures Our Influence Through:

The Human Resources Team Ensures Our Values are Embodied Internally:

Let’s Look More Closely at Everything We Do Daily:

The Philanthropic Development Team Takes on Several Essential Responsibilities:

The Finance Team Plays a Crucial Role in:

The Programme Teams are at the Heart of Our Mission:

The Communications Team Ensures Our Influence Through:

The Human Resources Team Ensures Our Values are Embodied Internally:

The Power of Social Change
Phew! I could continue. But the message is clear: on this National Philanthropy Day, let’s celebrate the constant hard work of professionals in this sector. Their expertise and commitment, combined with the generosity of donors, create this essential synergy for lasting social change.
The Power of Social Change

Sofia Urrutia
Senior Advisor
Knowledge Mobilisation